
Last updated on 22nd April 2024

Java Library Dependency Licenses

The Simudyne SDK depends on these libraries to function properly. Simudyne does not distribute or maintain these libraries. Specific versions of the libraries are specified in each Simudyne module's pom.xml file.

simudyne-core module

Library License
Apache Arrow Apache 2.0
Apache Avro Apache 2.0
Apache Hive Apache 2.0
Apache Parquet Apache 2.0
Apache Commons Apache 2.0
Apache Log4j Apache 2.0
Guava Apache 2.0
Hadoop Apache 2.0
Jackson Apache 2.0
json4s Apache 2.0
Netty Apache 2.0
protobuf BSD-3-Clause
typesafe Scala Logging Apache 2.0
Snappy Java Apache 2.0
Eel SDK Apache 2.0

simudyne-core-abm module

No additional dependencies.

simudyne-core-graph module

Library License
Akka Apache 2.0
fastutil Apache 2.0
Objenesis Apache 2.0

simudyne-core-graph-spark module

Library License
Chill Apache 2.0
fastutil Apache 2.0
Kryo Serializers Apache 2.0
scala-parser-combinators BSD-3-Clause
thoughtworks paranamer BSD
typesafe config Apache 2.0
Apache Spark Apache 2.0

simudyne-core-runner-spark module

Library License
Chill Apache 2.0
Kryo Serializers Apache 2.0
Objenesis Apache 2.0
typesafe config Apache 2.0

simudyne-nexus-server module

Library License
Akka Apache 2.0
Akka HTTP Apache 2.0
Better Files MIT
Jcommander Apache 2.0
Scala Java8 Compat BSD-3-Clause
scala-parser-combinators BSD-3-Clause
typesafe config Apache 2.0

JavaScript Library Dependency Licenses

These dependencies are bundled and distributed within the console module as part of a larger JavaScript application.

Library Version License(s)
@babel/polyfill 7.0.0 MIT
axios 0.18.0 MIT
babel-core 6.26.3 MIT
clipboard 2.0.4 MIT
d3 5.7.0 BSD-3-Clause
date-fns 1.30.1 MIT
echarts 4.2.0-rc.2 Apache, BSD
element-resize-detector 1.1.14 MIT
json-query 2.2.2 MIT
lodash 4.17.11 MIT
moment 2.18.1 MIT
normalizr 3.3.0 MIT
numeral 2.0.6 MIT
react 16.8.3 MIT
react-clipboard.js 1.1.3 CC0, Public Domain
react-dom 16.8.3 MIT
react-hubspot-form 1.3.6 MIT
react-pose 4.0.7 MIT
react-redux 6.0.0 MIT
react-virtualized 9.15.0 MIT
redux 4.0.1 MIT
redux-saga 0.16.2 MIT
regl 1.3.9 MIT, Public Domain
reselect 3.0.1 MIT
semantic-ui-less 2.4.1 MIT
semantic-ui-react 0.83.0 MIT
styled-components 4.1.3 MIT

You can see the full license text for these dependencies, including their child dependencies here.