Last updated on 16th July 2024
Running a model as a multirun will return results in a RunResult
objects store the aggregated results for each step as an Apache Commons DescriptiveStatistics object. This can be used to extract the aggregated result for individual outputs/variables, as a VariableResult
can return the full list of outputs/variables that have been reported, with RunResult#listEntries
/** Model output
* {
* "output1": ...,
* "accumulatorOutput":
* {
* "value": ...,
* "count" ...,
* "mean" ...
* }
* }
VariableResult outputResult = runResult.get("output1")
VariableResult accumulatorResult = runResult.get("accumulatorOutput.value")
The VariableResult
can then be used to get the specific DescriptiveStatistics for any step, or merge them together and give a single statistics object for the whole run, across all steps.
DescriptiveStatistics outputStatsStep1 = outputResult.getStatsAtStep(1);
DescriptiveStatistics outputStats = outputResult.getAggregatedStats();
More information on using the Apache Commons DescriptiveStatistics returned can be found on their documentation page